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来源:  浏览:2038      发布日期:2019-04-09 17:00:17


Hello Everybody~~上周六的托福写作考的怎么样?为了帮助同学们更好的熟悉托福写作,达美教育紧跟托福考试,每次考试都会安排一线的教师去赴考,整理机经考题,同时安排写作老师撰写最新的考题文章,以此为同学们的写作保驾护航!



真题范文 √




Parents should limit their children's hours of using electronic devices such as video games and televisions.


Today's children and teens are growing up immersed in digital media. They are exposed to media in all forms, including TV, computers, smart phones, and other screens. Because such hand held devices can influence how children and teens think, and behave, increasing parents begin to impose restrictions on the hours their children spend.  I tend to speak highly of these parents in terms of the drawbacks that such devices have. 

To begin with, overuse of digital media and screens may place the children or teens at risk of obesity. Excessive screen use, as well as having a TV in the bedroom, can increase the risk of obesity. Study shows that teens who watch more than 5 hours of TV per day are 5 times more likely to be overweight than teens who watch 0 to 2 hours. Watching TV for more than 1.5 hours daily is a risk factor for obesity for children 4 through 9 years of age. This is in part due to the fact that viewers are exposed to advertising for high-calorie foods. Viewers are also more likely to snack or overeat while watching screen media. Therefore, reasonable limitation of TV hours can set children free of screen, and get other things done instead, which helps them avoid staying still.

Besides, the potential healthy hazards of overusing electronic devices contribute to children’s physical  problems. The longer a teenager spends using electronic devices such as computers and smart phones, the worse his sleep will be. Too much time with technology causes children to not get enough exercise, and the lack of exercise is not only bad for their bodies, but it also hurts how their brains function and develop. In fact, numerous cases around me show that more exercise and less use of tech devices can help improve grades and reduce behavior problems.

Last but not least, children who overuse online media can be at risk for problematic Internet use. Heavy video gamers are dangerous for Internet gaming disorder. They spend most of their free time online, and show less interest in off-line or "real-life" relationships. Additionally, teens are alienated from friends around them, and may probably show risky behaviors, such as substance use, sexual behaviors, self-injury, or eating disorders. Exposure of teens through media to alcohol, tobacco use, or sexual behaviors is associated with earlier initiation of these bad behavior patterns.

In a nutshell, there are many health and social reasons to limit the children’s exposure to all things tech related. Of course, it is to some extent to keep kids entertained, but too much screen time can damage their health and social skills beyond repair.

Do you agree or disagree? Parents should limit children’s usage of electronic devices except for school work.




One of the most controversial topics of the society is whether electronic devices have more beneficial effects on children than inimical ones. While many believe stringent control of electronic devices should be imposed on children to prevent any further harmful influences, their thoughts might be slightly too conservative under a modern perspective. Globally, I regard the overall effect of electronic devices on children as neutral, so their usage should be limited, but only to a qualified extent.

Viewing this topic in the aspect of electronic conservatives, exceeding usage of electronic devices other than studying serves as “mental drugs” to children, since any entertainments online are potentially addictive. This almost exactly reflects the reality; due to the deliberately tempting design of those entertainments and children’s common weak resistance to temptations, children are more prone to get trapped by reliance on those entertainments. Occasionally when children’s addiction gets serious, they might merge with the virtual world and become anti-social in many aspects, like excessive consumption of money and insulation to real-life communications. Besides mental damage, electronic devices can affect children’s physical health if their usage is never controlled; staring at screens may cause tiredness of eyes or even irreversible damage to vision. What is more, theextensive amount of time spent on electronic devices occupies the time for exercising, which leads to more problems like obesity. In conclusion, children’s usage of electronic devices except for schoolwork should be limited at least to some extent.

On the other hand, we should not put extremely harsh restrictions on children’s using electronic devices when they do not intend to study because they might get addicted; after all, those with serious addictions are lacking in ability of self-control and make up the very minority of all children. The use of electronic devices could be unexpectedly beneficial if we discover their effects more thoroughly. One positive effect that is often ignored by many people is that parents could participate in children’s entertainment when they are using electronic devices. By doing this with proper frequency, not only will children hardly get addicted to virtual entertainments, but they will also set up valuable friendships between parents and them; they may regard their parents as “mental peers” and highly distinguished from conventional elderlies. This method might work better when children step into adolescence, when they become mentally mature and produce gaps in thoughts with parents, and do need enough care from parents. In short, in playing with children when using electronic devices, parents can build up firmcompanionships with children, an ideal status that most families wish to get to; thus, limitations on using electronic devices need not be too strict.

Generally speaking, by comprehensive analysis, the usage of electronic devices of children other than academic uses should be restricted, but only to a small extent. In the modern society, children should enjoy some level of freedom on using electronic devices.

Word Count: 481

Inimical  a. 有害的

Qualified  a. 有限制的

Exceeding  a. 过度的

Deliberately  ad. 故意地

Insulation  n. 隔绝

Extensive  a. 大量的

Harsh  a. 严格的,残酷的

Peer  n. 同龄人

Companionship  n. 伙伴关系

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